Stay safe online: Tips for protecting yourself from cyberthreats

Stay safe online: Tips for protecting yourself from cyberthreats

Cyberthreats are now lurking around every corner of the digital space, and cybercrimes are only set to increase by the year. From avoiding malicious hackers to steering clear of cunning phishing scams, safeguarding your online presence has never been more important.
Fortunately, the following tips can help mitigate these looming dangers, increasing your chances of keeping your private data safe from the prying hands of cybercriminals.

Practice good password hygiene

When it comes to safeguarding your online accounts, strong and unique passwords are paramount. Be sure to create passwords that are long, as they are harder to crack than short ones. Avoid easy-to-guess passwords, such as those that include commonly used phrases or those that contain personal information that is publicly available, such as your name and birthdate.
Additionally, don't reuse passwords across multiple online accounts. This is because if one of your passwords is compromised, all of your accounts that use that password are at risk.
Lastly, use a password manager. This tool can help you generate and securely store strong, unique passwords for all of your online accounts.

Enable multifactor authentication

Take your account security up a notch by enabling multifactor authentication (MFA). MFA adds an extra layer of protection by requiring two or more proofs of identity in addition to your username and password. These proofs of identity can include an answer to a personal security question or biometric data, such as fingerprint or facial scans.
With MFA activated, cybercriminals will have a harder time accessing your accounts, even if they get ahold of your password. This is because they would also need to fulfill all the other verification requirements to gain access to your account.

Update your software

Software developers continually release updates to enhance features, fix bugs, and most importantly, fortify cybersecurity measures.
Given this, it’s best to enable automatic updates whenever possible so you never miss a security patch. Many automatic update programs also allow you to schedule updates during nondisruptive hours, such as when you're asleep. By keeping your software up to date, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit.

Be wary of email scams

Phishing remains a prevalent form of cybercrime, with around 3.4 billion spam emails sent every day. To conduct phishing attacks, cybercriminals pretend to be trustworthy sources and try to trick people into giving away sensitive information like passwords, personal data, or financial details. They may do this by asking directly or tempting you to click on harmful links or attachments. If you do the latter, you might unknowingly download malware or encounter fake login pages that steal your private info.
Since phishing isn't going away, it's crucial to be cautious. Always double-check the sender's email address and confirm with the purported sender through other methods that a request for information was indeed from them before sharing anything confidential. Also, avoid clicking suspicious links, especially from unfamiliar sources. Staying alert and recognizing common phishing attempts is vital to safeguarding your personal data.

Read also: Phishing scams: How to identify and avoid them

Avoid unsecured websites

Prioritize your online safety by steering clear of unsecured or suspicious websites. Before proceeding to a site, carefully evaluate any warnings your browser displays about its safety. Look for up-to-date security certificates, denoted by “https” in the URL and a padlock icon in the address bar.
Be cautious when encountering links or ads that seem suspicious or clickbaity, and watch out for low-quality graphics or unprofessional text on web pages. Trustworthy brands and websites typically maintain polished, well-written content.

Back up your data regularly

Lastly, be sure to maintain routine backups of your critical data.
Adopt the 3-2-1 rule: keep at least three backups of your important files, stored on a minimum of two different mediums, one of which should be off site or in the cloud. This approach to backing up your private data safeguards it from ransomware attacks or loss due to stolen, damaged, or corrupted devices. Regular data backups provide you peace of mind knowing your valuable information is secure.

While practicing these online habits can significantly reduce the risk of common cyberthreats, implementing cutting-edge technologies can further fortify your online protection. Get in touch with Quicktech today to discover the best proactive cybersecurity solutions tailored to your unique business needs, ensuring much-needed peace of mind in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape.